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Darksword Armory

Fantasy Leg Armor
The fantasy leg armor, comprising of one of the most complex design Darksword Armory have created to date, is made of 12 interlocking fully articulated parts to create a stunning medieval armor. The leg armor is made of 16 g steel and fully functional for reenactment combat. With suspension and adjusting straps are fitted to the leg armor. These are fully articulate, allowing full mobility.

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15th Century Hand and a Half sword
Bastard medieval swords, also known as hand-and-a-half swords, are surprisingly diverse weapons. When wielded one-handed, they can be paired with a shield for extra defense. When wielded two-handed, they become brutally effective slashing or chopping weapons. It was this diversity that historically made them favorites of many swordsmen, and still attract collectors to them today.The handle is long enough for use with two hands, but the balance is such that with enough arm strength it can be wielded with one hand at need. A long, wide blade suitable for heavy slashes also tapers to a fine point useful for getting through the chinks in an opponent’s armour, especially when one hand grips the blade at the halfway point (a technique known as “half-sword”). The graceful, curved guard and scentstopper pommel complement this attractive and practical fighter’s sword – a classic design for modern collectors.The 15th Century Bastard sword is a fine addition for sword collectors in general, collectors of hand-and-a-half swords in particular, or for modern students of the Renaissance sword arts for use in their training.Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60 48-50 at the core Fittings : Mild Steel Blade Thickness: 1.34 mm Total Length: 45″ Blade Length : 34″ Blade width : 2″ POB:4″ Weight: 3lbs 8oz Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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Limited Edition Excalibur Medieval Sword
Excalibur is offered as a limited edition collectible of 500 battle ready swords worldwide! Eyal Azerad, Founder of Darksword Armory: “As a collector and bladesmith, the making of Excalibur was a deeply personal project. As for many, John Boorman’s 1981 Epic Film was not only my favorite movie but, as a child, my introduction to the ‘Middle Ages’. This introduction, chrystalized John Boorman’s ‘Excalibur’ at the core of my life. Hence, forging the Excalibur medieval sword, was a deeply personal project for myself and the staff alike. We felt we owed this battle ready sword our utmost attention. Making yet another simple recreation of Excalibur was not an option. The staff and I agreed that not only did our recreation of Excalibur have to uphold the Darksword Armory standards for which we have become internationally renowned for, but also converge the highest standard of aesthetism. That being said, we have decided to offer Excalibur in a limited release.” The Excalibur is limited to 500 examples worldwide! Each battle ready sword includes: • Beautifully printed and individually Numbered Certificate • Premium grade Scabbard and optional interlaced sword belt Details: Overall Length: approx. 108 cm Blade Length: approx. 86.4 cm Blade Width at base: approx. 5 cm Handle Length: approx. 15.2 cm Weight: approx. 1730 g Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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The Nomad
Rangers are a fantasy character 'archetype,' idealized warriors who fight with honour and have a deep and abiding respect for nature. From Strider and the Dunedain Rangers in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings novels to Drizzt Do'Urden in the Forgotten Realms books, Rangers are one of the most popular characters in fantasy fiction and role-playing games. Frequently depicted as the "lone warrior" character fighting in the shadows against evil, Rangers fight with sword, knife and bow, and are talented in all manner of wilderness and tracking skills. Friend of elves and other mystical creatures, they have a tendency to wander the land alone in search of injustice. Hence the name of this Ranger-inspired weapon: 'The Nomad.' Details: Weight: approx. 1589 g Overall Length: approx. 107 cm Blade Length: approx. 76 cm Blade width at base: approx. 3.8 cm POB: approx. 2.5 cm from Guard Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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Norman WMA Reenactment Medieval Sword
Darksword Armory’s Re-enactment & Stage weapons are specifically made for Western Martial Arts (HEMA/WMA) practitioners and theatrical groups. The HEMA Norman sword is made, following the requirements and guidelines of the “Battle of the Nations”, with sturdy 2mm edge and slightly rounded tips for safety. Responsive, safe and sturdy, our staff has produced these complex and functional designs, able to withstanding the most abusive treatment. Details 5160 High Carbon Steel Fittings : Mild Steel Blade Thickness: 2 mm edge Total Length: 37.5″ Blade Length : 31.5″ Weight: 2 lbs 8 oz.

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5 lobe Viking Medieval sword
The British Museum in London. 800-950 AD One of the most coveted medieval weapons among medieval sword collectors is the Viking medieval sword. Given the multitude of Viking battle ready swords on the market, one wonders whether the market is saturated. Many reproductions however, play into the stereotype of Viking battle ready swords as little more than long cleavers - heavy, brutish weapons wielded by a brutal people. These reproductions fail to capture the spirit or “function” of the Viking medieval sword as an important step in the evolution of the European medieval sword, from earlier Romanesque styles to the arming battle ready swords of medieval times. The most authoritive typology of the Viking battle ready sword was written by Dr. Jan Peterson in 1919. Focusing on variations in pommel and guards to formulate a 26 category scheme, Jan Perterson created a typological reference to determine the date of each sub type. The five lobed Viking battle sword is the quintessential Norse weapon during the Viking age. The blade has the distinctive wide fuller and spatulate tip, typical of designs from the Viking era. While using a Type 4 blade from the Geibig Typology, Darksword Armory fitted the five lobe Viking medieval sword with an extended handle that is long enough for both "hammer" and "handshake" grip. The type 4 blade, found from the mid-tenth century through the mid-eleventh century, features a slight taper and a fuller which extends the blade’s full length. DA carefully crafted this Viking medieval sword to reflect the Norse cultural and artistic heritage. Exceptional tools of war, the Viking medieval swords also attest to the Viking culture’s keen interest in art and aesthetic beauty. The Viking battle ready sword features a 30 inch blade, forged with 5160 High Carbon Steel and Dual Tempered HRc 60 and 48-50 at the core. Details: Overall Length: approx. 91.4 cm Blade Length: approx. 76.2 cm Blade Material: 5160 Carbon Steel HRC: 60 Weight: approx. 993 g Please note: The sword can be ordered with various options (see second article picture): 1. Sword with standard scabbard without belt 2. Sword with standard scabbard and belt 3. Sword with deluxe scabbard with embossed belt and bronze buckles

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Viking Helmet
Viking Helmet, with leather liner. Made of 14g steel. The viking sword is legal for all reenactment combat groups. One of the newest Medieval Armor pieces of Darksword Armory.

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The Guardlan Elite Sword
Limited Edition Elite Series SwordsDarksword Armory’s Elite Series swords are individually hand forged, following the strictest guidelines. The Damascus steel blades, guards and pommels are made with a blend of 1095, 5160, L-6 and O1 steel, giving a stunning contrast to the folded steel layering.Darksword Armory Elite models are limited to 100 swords worldwide ! Once sold, we will not be making other examples of the same model. Each sword comes with a scabbard, interlaced sword belt and an Elite Series numbered certificate stamped with the “Darksword Elite” Wax seal. Each certificate is individually signed by Eyal Azerad, owning founder of Darksword Armory Inc.We are confident that our Elite Series swords will impress even the most discriminating collector.TheGuardlan Viking Sword is a blend of history and modern design. Taking its inspiration from Norse culture, this battle-ready sword is hand forged and fully functional. A unique two-handed version of a traditional Viking design, the broad blade is significantly longer than our single-handed designs. The extra heft of the sword would be absolutely devastating in battle, capable of broad slashes that could cut down a warrior in his prime – or sweep an attacker from horseback. Details: Total Length: 39.5″ Blade Length : 30″ Grip Length: 8″ POB: 4.5″ Weight: 2 lbs 7 oz

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Fenrir Viking Axe
You can’t read about Norse mythology without coming across the concept of Ragnarök. A catastrophic, world ending conflict, Ragnarök is the pinnacle event of Viking mythology and features in multiple versions of surviving legends. Not only will the world perish in fire as a result of this climactic battle, but multiple Viking gods- including Odin, Loki, Heimdall, Thor, and Tyr – are fated to meet their end. Ragnarök literally means “The Twilight of the Gods,” and the gods have known it is coming for thousands of years.Besides the Norse gods we know and love, other figures feature in this legend. One is the Midgard serpent Jörmungandr, who threatens to Devour the world and is killed by Thor – though the god of thunder loses his life as a result. Another character who appears that plays a role of great importance is Fenrir, the Great Wolf and offspring of Loki, who is fated to bring catastrophe upon the world.In the Norse writings Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, Fenrir’s place in the final days are described. A prophecy given to the Gods describes how Fenrir would devour the Sun, beginning Ragnarök, and slay Odin himself – which should be an indication of how deadly the creature is. In chapter 25 of the Prose Edda Fenrir is lured by the Gods into a trap designed to prevent him from beginning Ragnarök. Fearing Fenrir’s growing strength and seeking to delay the beginning of the Twilight of the Gods, the gods praised Fenrir’s great strength and invited him to test it against some magical bindings they had designed. While he broke the first two with ease, Fenrir distrusted the Gods and when the third binding was brought to him would only submit to test it should one of the gods place their right hand into his jaws. Only Tyr was brave enough to do so, and when the third binding prove to be unbreakable Fenrir bit down and took the god’s hand. Ever after Tyr would go one handed, and Fenrir remains bound until the ending of the world.Despite the fact that Fenrir is according to myth currently unable to harm the gods or the world, the future that awaits us should this great wolf escape is far from ideal. Fenrir will have grown to great size and ferocity in his captivity, his upper jaw touching the sky and his lower jaw reaching to the Earth. After devouring the sun and the father of the gods, Fenrir will only be defeated when Odin’s son Vithar – god of vengeance – grips the wolf’s jaws and rips him in half with all the strength of his rage and grief. The Earth will appear once again, joined by the surviving gods and two humans who will repopulate the world. Rising in the east, the daughter of the sun will take her place in the sky to give the world light and lead it into a future free of war and pain.The Darksword Armory Fenrir axe is inspired by this dark yet hopeful tale. Unlike our shorter axes this is a true war axe, nearly 4 ft from end to end. The hardwood handle is extended to provide extra reach and torque for powerful, helmet splitting blows. Leather wrap on the mid-handle improves the grip, while the tapered end of the handle creates a comfortable place for extending the reach of the weapon. The head of the axe is carefully inscribed with the visage of a ferocious wolf depicted with Norse knotwork, certainly one of our most beautiful axe designs. The steeply dropping edge of the bearded axe head creates a cutting edge nearly a foot long, which went backed by the significant weight of the weapon is truly fearsome. By bringing this axe into your home, you bring a piece of legend with it – while we sit and wait for the sun devourer, it will surely keep you safe. Details: Total Length : 47” Viking Axe head (width): 9” Viking Axe head (hight) 12” long Weight: 4 lbs. 12 oz.

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The Black Knight
In history and literature, a Black Knight is a mysterious warrior who hides their identity in order to disguise their motives and allegiance. The Darksword Armory Black Knight Sword is a nod to this literary and historical character, blending historical design with a fantasy flare. The straight, tempered, double-edged blade is based on those swords most often carried by the mounted knights of the medieval period. With full tang construction this sword is fully functional, and has been expertly forged and balanced to be an effective and deadly cutting weapon.More information on the Black Knight Sword, and on the historical and fictional characters that inspired it, can be found below. Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60 48-50 at the core Total length: 35″ Blade length: 28″ Blade width at base: 2″ Weight: 2.6 lbs

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Viking Beard Axe
The axe is one of the first tools to be manufactured by humankind. The simplicity of its construction and its inherent versatility means that axes have been an integral part of every human culture. Axes however are associated to the Vikings more than any other group of warriors. Axes were a vital part of Viking life, as evidenced by archaeological digs at Viking sites. However, it's important to understand that the basis of Viking life was not raping and pillaging, but agriculture. Axes were an essential farming and household tool. As they did with all of their weapons, Vikings usually named their axes, often naming them after she-trolls. However, axes never had the same cultural significance to Viking warriors as swords and spears did. The Viking axe was not a sacred weapon but an immensely practical one; something that could be for combat but was most commonly called on for simple domestic or agricultural duties. In war however, the Viking axe was a devastating weapons in hand-to-hand combat, capable of splitting a man's skull, or thrown against an opponent’s shield. Around the 10th century, the Vikings developed the weapon known as the Dane Axe. This is that huge, terrifying battle axe that we commonly associate with Vikings. Its shaft could be as long as six feet, and the head had a cutting surface of up to twelve inches. The head of the Dane Axe was extremely thin, with thicknesses as narrow as 2mm along the edge of the blade. With a lightweight design, these were easy to swing and provided a wide radius of destruction with little risk to the axe getting stuck, although they were not as useful in hand-to-hand combat as the smaller hand axe. Although associated with Vikings - the Dane Axe still appears on the state coat of arms of Norway - the Dane Axe was actually most popular in England, where it continued to be used into the 16th century, long after the influence of the Vikings had waned. Details: Overall Length: approx. 78.7 cm Axe Head Height: approx. 14.6 cm Axe Head Width: approx. 26.7 cm Weight: approx. 2866 g

Ensure 239 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

The Duke Medieval Dagger
If you ask modern day sword collectors who the most famous and influential scholars of the medieval sword were, the typical answer you will get is Ewart Oakeshott (1916-2002). And it’s true – Oakeshott literally wrote the book on medieval sword types, and a whole system of classification (The Oakeshott Typology) is named after him. More advanced collectors may recognize the names Dr. Jan Peterson (1887-1967), who created a typology for classifying Viking swords, or Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler (1890-1976), who refined Peterson’s typology. Predating any of these scholars, however, is a man whose writing on medieval arms, armor, and architecture dwarfs many later historians’ bibliographies – though he is largely unrecognized by the modern sword collecting world.Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc was born in 1814 in Paris, France. He was an architect by trade, a brilliant one by all accounts, and an inspired artist and illustrator. While the architectural world knows Viollet-le-Duc as an architect, restorer of historical buildings and monuments (including considerable work on Notre-Dame Cathedral and many other famous landmarks), and as the first true theorist of modern architecture, he also wrote and illustrated some of the largest volumes in existence on the medieval sword.The volumes Viollet-le-Duc wrote are breathtaking in their scope and depth. His extensive writings cover not only descriptions of different medieval swords and armor but tracks and explains their evolution throughout history, and his stunning illustrations compliment his writing expertly. Unfortunately, as his works were not commonly translated into English, the largely-anglophone sword collecting population remains ignorant of these incredible volumes and Viollet-le-Duc’s influence on medieval scholarship. Some translations exist, but copies are notoriously hard to find and prohibitively expensive. In the English-speaking world, many of these works and completely unknown, and the incredible scholarship they contain can only be found by efforts of French-speaking individuals – such as us here at Darksword Armory.The Duke dagger, being the companion dagger to our Duke sword, is inspired by an illustration in Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc medieval encyclopedia, a masterwork of exposition and illustration. A classic knightly design , the Duke bares the traditional cruciform guard so often found in medieval art. The straight guard is expertly sculpted and subtle in its smooth lines. Details: Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel Total Length: 17.5” Blade Length: 12” Weight: 1 lb. POB: at the guard.

Ensure 390 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

Crusader Dagger
The crusader dagger is the quintessential medieval knight’s dagger. Dawned with the traditional wheel pommel and cruciform guard, the Crusader type dagger was used throughout the medieval period. Being more than a simple tool of war, the medieval dagger was used for a variety of mundane tasks, ranging from basic eating to leather working. The dagger however, although an important and useful tool, was a necessary weapon for both knights and soldiers. When swords broke or dropped due to injury on the battle field, the dagger was used for defense. When a shield, the small size of the dagger made it easier to slide through and thrust unprotected areas and armor openings. After the Battle of Agincourt, Henry V “examined” the fallen warriors on the field. Those still living received a final blow by Henry’s dagger. The crusader dagger is forged with 1060 High Carbon Steel and Tempered to a Rockwell of 53. Details: Overall Length: approx. 44.5 cm Blade Length: approx. 30.5 cm Blade Material: 1060 High Carbon Steel HRC: 53 Weight: approx. 454 g Please note: The dagger only has the scabbard, the belt is not included but can be ordered with an additional cost. Please contact us for the belt by email.

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Mid 13th C. Sword
The 13th Century was a turning point in making of arms and armors of the Middle Ages. Typically, armors dating prior to the 13th century were mainly composed of mail armor, or maille, made to counter the impact of the uniform sword blades of the early medieval period. By the mid-13th century however, the armies of Feudal Europe witnessed not only an increase in platted armor but consequently a change in blade geometry. This is an interesting example of the transitional arming swords used during the outset of the 13th century. Crowned with a “cocked-hat” pommel, originally found in Scandinavia, the sword hilt was generally mounted on a type X or type XII blade. The “cocked-hat” pommel, classified by Petersen as Type Y, was used through the 11th and 12th centuries. By the 13th century the “cocked-hat” pommel remained in use, but became more massive. Numerous examples are found throughout Europe. During his examinations of various swords of the middle ages, Oakeshott noted identical swords in various sources; from a crucifixion scene in a 13th century manuscript from Goslar, a sword found in Hungary with an identical pommel, another identical sword from Brunau, an example found in a German manuscript and a final example at the end of the 13th century on the grave-slab of Ulrich von Regensburg in Zurich. Details: Overall Length: approx. 86.4 cm Blade Length: approx. 68.6 cm POB: approx. 14 cm Blade Material: 5160 High Carbon Steel Differential Hardened at a Rockwell of 60 at the Edge; 48-50 at the core. Fittings: Mild Steel Weight: approx. 1078 g Please note: The sword only has the scabbard, the belt is not included but can be ordered with an additional cost. Please contact us for the belt by email.

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The Ranger
The Ranger Medieval Sword, Inspirational Type: XIIIa blade. The Lord of the Rings Ranger medieval sword is a recreation from the popular trilogy written by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Ranger is hand Crafted with 5160 High Carbon Steel, tempered to a Rockwell of 60. As with all our battle ready swords, the tang is peened over the pommel. The beautifully detailed leather handle is accentuated by the unique pommel, making this one of the most recognized fantasy swords. The blade is forged with a deep full length fuller. The Ranger battle ready sword is a very tough inspirational two handed sword. The broad long blade delivers lethal blows aided by its weight. The Ranger medieval sword, at approx. 2400 g, is by far Darksword Armorys heaviest battle ready sword, mainly deriving from the large pommel and guard. Details: Overall Length: approx. 116.8 cm Blade Length: approx. 91.5 cm Blade Width: approx. 5 cm HRC: 53 POB: approx. 10.2 cm Blade Material: 5160 High Carbon Steel Weight: approx. 2411 g

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Gotland Jonasson Viking Axe
During the outset of the Viking Age, the Viking axe was essentially used as a daily agricultural tool. As the Migration age of the Viking people developed during the 9th C., so did that development of the Viking sword. The common masses however used readily available tools that were simple, yet powerful. While used consistently for daily activities, the Viking axe also proved to be a devastating weapon in hand-to-hand combat.While the geometry of the viking Axe changed throughout the Viking Axe, this was the most commonly used Viking axe during the early part of the Migration Age, namely the 9th C. Hand Forged to look and feel like the original, the Viking axe’s character is preserved by the traditional hammer marks and criss cross leather pattern. This axe is an absolute must-have for Viking enthusiasts. Total Length : 30” Viking Axe head (width): 6.5” Viking Axe head (hight) 4 1/4” long Weight: 2 lbs. 10 oz.

Ensure 189 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

11th Century Viking Sword
The 11th Century Viking Sword is based on a sword found near Suontaka, Finland, in the grave of a Viking Shield-maiden. It is full tang, tempered, and fully functional, with a blade forged and balanced to be a devastatingly effective cutter. The bronze fittings, created by use of the lost wax process, are based on the historical fittings of the Suontaka Shield-maiden’s weapon. An homage to a true historical artifact, the 11th Century Viking Sword is one of our longest-running designs.More information on the 11th Century Viking Sword and the history of the world in which it originated can be found below. 5160 High Carbon Steel Differential Hardening : 60 Rockwell at the Edge 50 At the Core Fittings: Bronze Total Length: 36″ Blade length: 30″ Blade width at base: 2″ blade thickness: 1.48 mm Weight: 2 lbs 3 oz Please note: The sword can be ordered with various options (see second article picture): 1. Sword with standard scabbard without belt 2. Sword with standard scabbard and belt 3. Sword with deluxe scabbard with embossed belt and bronze buckles

Ensure 869 bonus points

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Leg Medieval Armor
13th Century. Leg medieval armor that covers the knee (known as ‘poleyns’) was one of the first forms of plate armor. Poleyns were generally worn by attaching them to or over chain mail ‘chausses’ that either came to the knee or else extended down the leg. In the 13th C, most soldiers wore a gambeson (padded jacket) covered by chain mail, with poleyns protecting their legs, copts to protect their elbows, and a helmet (usually the conical ‘Great Helm’). The use of full sets of plate armor did not come into common use for another century. Crusaders wore this combination of mail with small sections of plate armor on their journey to and subsequent battles in the Holy Land. The 13th century saw many crusades, and it was a time of great upheaval as legions of soldiers left their homelands to fight in foreign lands. Armor was usually stripped from the dead as iron was a precious commodity in medieval Europe.

Ensure 149 bonus points

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The Sovereign 15th C. Medieval Sword
As the 15th century drew to a close, the nature of the battlefield – and the sword – was changing. The rise of towns and cities across Europe created the infrastructure required to produce blades in greater quality and numbers. No longer affordable only by the nobility, the sword became an infantry weapon, provided by the quartermaster and used by the common soldier on the battlefield. Likewise, advances in armouring technology created a new battlefield where adaptability mattered at least as much as striking power. With the sword now used by both mounted knight and foot soldier, the blade had to be able to pierce the plate armour of the knight as well as strike against the variety of armour used by the infantry. The blade evolved to have a strong, reinforced tip for thrusting, while retaining an edge built for cutting. Known as a cut-and-thrust sword, this flexibility was often the difference between life and death in the heat of combat, regardless of if its bearer was an infantryman or a mounted knight. We are pleased to present ‘The Sovereign’, co designed by Darksword Armory and American bladesmith Bruce Brookhart. Taking inspiration from both Medieval French and German swords, the Sovereign is a late 15th century style arming sword with an Oakeshott type XVIII blade. The guard is decorated with a floral French motif, while the ‘Writhen’ pommel is cast directly from a 15th century Katzbalger in the collection of the Sovereign co designer, Eyal Azerad. Hand forged, the Sovereign’s blade is made from 5160 steel and deferentially heat treated to a Rockwell of 53 at the core and 60 at the cutting edge, giving this medieval sword astounding toughness and flexibility. The Guard and pommel are solid Bronze, crowned with a slightly diamond shaped Oak grip. Light, agile, durable, and sturdy, this is an arming sword that any Medieval soldier would have been proud to call his own. Bruce Brookhart is an american bladesmith and weapon designer. Bruce worked closely with Hank Reinhardt for over 15 years and consulted Ewart Oakeshott for over a decade. Specs for The Sovereign Medieval Sword Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60 48-50 at the core Total length: 104.14 Blade length: 81.28 Blade width at base: 5.08 Guard & Pommel: Solid bronze Weight: 907 g Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

Ensure 829 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

The Baron Sword
Our latest sword, The Baron is an extremely well balanced Medieval weapon that is fun to wield. We are very proud of this piece. It is light, responsive, seamless and a true joy to wield. Exemplifying the spirit and aesthetic of pre-Renaissance Italy, the Baron Sword is a classic transitory piece. The Baron longsword is based on the Oakeshott Type XVIa design, a style of longsword that was an evolutionary step between the arming swords of the Middle Ages and the fencing longswords of the Renaissance. The long, double-fullered blade performs incredibly well when put through its paces, straddling the line between light handling and power. Steel fittings and a scentstopper pommel complete this piece, a powerful reminder of the early days of Italy’s transformation into the hear of Renaissance Europe. Details: Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 60 48-50 at the core Fittings : Mild Steel Blade Thickness: 1.34 mm Total Length: 44″ Blade Length : 32″ POB:3.5″ Weight: 3lbs 4 oz. Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

Ensure 899 bonus points

Item is in field warehouse, long distance shipping.

Black Knight Dagger
In history and literature, a Black Knight is a mysterious warrior who hides their identity in order to disguise their motives and allegiance. The Darksword Armory Black Knight Dagger is a nod to this literary and historical character, blending historical design with a fantasy flare. The straight, tempered, double-edged blade is the companion dagger to the Black Knight sword, available in our sword gallery page. With full tang construction this dagger is fully functional, as all our swords and daggers, and has been carefully forged and balanced to be an effective and deadly line of defense. Swords and dagger of the 15th C. were not only exceptionally engineered, but also showed clear artistic patterns and influences from the gothic architectural structures of the time. Details: 5160 High Carbon Steel Fittings : Mild Steel Total Length: 18″ Blade Length : 12″ Weight: 1 lb.

Ensure 299 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

WMA Practice Sword
The Federschwert is a type of training sword that was used in Fencing schools during the Renaissance. Perfectly designed, the Federschwert served to safely practice full speed combat among practitioners, while reducing the risk of injury. The Federschwert greatest attribute is their similar weight and balance to real swords of the same period. The Federschwert is shown extensively in the fighting manuals of the 16th century, particularly those of Paulus Hector Mair and Joachim Meyer. Darksword Armory’s Re-enactment & Stage weapons are specifically made for Western Martial Arts (WMA) practitioners and theatrical groups. The swords are made, following the requirements and guidelines of the “Battle of the Nations”, with sturdy 2mm edge and slightly rounded tips for safety. Responsive, safe and sturdy, Darksword Armory has produced these complex and functional designs, able to withstanding the most abusive treatment. All of Darksword Armorys Re-enactment weapons are fully guaranteed for a period of one year against manufacturing defect. Details: Overall Length: approx. 125.7 cm Blade Length: approx. 91.5 cm Blade Thickness: approx. 0.2 cm POB: approx. 5 cm Blade Material: 5160 Carbon steel Weight: approx. 1504 g

Ensure 499 bonus points

Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

The Doge Sword
The Republic of Venice was distinct from many other European states for several reasons. For one, it had an almost unheard-of longevity – the Republic existed as a political and for over a thousand years, from the 7th to the 18th centuries, when many other nations rose, fell, and faded to obscurity. For another, it had a unique governing structure; whereas many nations during its thousand-year existence were ruled by monarchies of varying levels of control and influence, the Republic was overseen by the Great Council of Venice. This parliament was composed of a hereditary ruling class of powerful merchants and aristocrats who together created laws, elected the Council of Ten (the leaders of the city-state), and the elected the head of state – the individual known as the Doge of Venice.The Doge (generally translated as “Duke”) was not, unlike most positions of power in Europe at the time, a hereditary office. The Doge was elected for life, it was true, but was forbidden from choosing a successor – this eliminated the possibility of the office becoming a monarchy. The position was not one that provided great wealth or influence; in fact, the Doge was prevented from owning any foreign land, and after the Doge’s death his family was liable for any crimes he had committed in office (presumably as a method of inspiring honesty and integrity). In later years the power of the Doge declined, and though it became a largely symbolic office there were still benefits to ruling Venice – one of which was the ability to live in the Doge’s Palace.The Doge’s Palace (Pałaso Dogal in Venetian) is an excellent example of Venice’s take on Gothic architecture. While several iterations of the Palace existed through the years (rebuilt due to age, changes in government, and several notable fires), most of the current structure was completed in the 15th century. After the end of the office of the Doge in the late 18th century, the Palace remained in use by various branches of government for the next century. In 1923 the last public office was removed from the building, and the restored Doge Palace entered its next stage of existence as a museum. The museum, in addition to its breathtaking construction and frescos, contains numerous works of art and artifacts from Venice’s history – including a breathtaking collection of medieval and renaissance swords.The Darksword Armory Doge Museum Sword is based on surviving examples with the Doge museum. Its curved guard with finger protector is common on swords form this area of Europe, and the distinctive-shaped pommel sets it apart from other medieval and renaissance swords. Travelers to Venice will recognize this unique pommel and guard combination from several swords in the Doge collection. The blade chosen for this particular representation is hollow ground with a stiff spine, allowing for good flexibility but retaining the ability to make a firm thrust. The blade’s long, tapering point is common among many blades of the 15th century, which were adapted to thrust into the gaps of full plate armor. An oxblood leather wrapped handle completes the weapon, which would certainly look at home on the hip of any Venetian who walked the streets of one of the longest-lasting republics in history. Hand forged from 5160 High Carbon Steel Differential Hardened at a Rockwell of 60 at the Edge; 48-50 at the core. Fittings: Mild Steel Handle: Leather Wrapped Wood Core Details: Total length: 40″ Blade length: 32.5″ Blade width at base: 1.85″ Grip Length: 4.5 inches Weight: 2 lbs 10 oz. POB: 4.5 inches Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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12th Century Medieval Sword
Sword from the 12th century. The original can be found in the Schweizerisches Landesmusuem, Zurich. Classified as type Xa or XI, this is one of the most significant two handed weapons of the medieval period. Numerous variations are found throughout the European continent, establishing a general conformity and indicating a clear pattern of influence among smiths of the time. Variations are found in the Royal Armoury of Turin, in the Louvre of Paris, in the Imperial Treasury of Vienna, in the Royal Armoury of Madrid and in the Hermitage, Petrograd. This sword comes with a scabbard. Details: Total length: 46.5" Blade length: 36" Blade width at base: 2" Weight: 4 lbs 7 oz. Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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The Black Prince Dagger
The English Prince Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales, lived from June 15, 1330 to June 8, 1376. He is a well known historical figure; well known for his chivalrous (and occasionally non-chivalrous) actions, and for never being crowned king despite being the eldest son of King Edward III – he died before his father, and the crown passed to his son Richard instead. Edward would also later come to be known by a nickname of indeterminate origin – “The Black Prince,” a name well known to scholars in the fields of art, history, literature and theater. This popularity was surely affected when a sword that was discovered in the mid 20th century was identified by Ewart Oakeshott as the Sword of the Black Prince. Thought to have been stolen from Edward’s tomb centuries earlier, became one of the most recognizable artefacts of 14th Century Medieval swords. The sword has a long, tapered blade that is ideally suited for thrusting, while still remaining able to make powerful cuts. The handle is elongated to provide more leverage, which in combination with the large pommel results in excellent tip control. The original has a Type XVa blade, which is faithfully reproduced here. Edward’s “Black Prince” title may have come from his distinctive armor, which according to some sources was blackened steel (although the title may also have come from his temper, mercilessness to his enemies or derision towards the lower classes in spite of his chivalrous beliefs). The pommel and guard of this sword have been blackened to reflect that title, and would match the dark platted armor that Edward may have worn. A black leather wrapped handle and upgraded scabbard completes the look. This is the first time that DSA has interpreted this popular design, and would be suitable for anyone who has an interest in Medieval longswords in general or 14th Century interpretations specifically. Details: Overall Length: approx. 44.5 cm Blade Length: approx. 30.5 cm Weight: approx. 511 g Please note: The dagger only has the scabbard, the belt is not included but can be ordered with an additional cost. Please contact us for the belt by email.

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Celtic Anthropomorphic Medieval Sword
There are two kinds of Celtic Medieval sword. The most common is the "long" battle ready sword, which usually has a stylised anthropomorphic hilt made from organic material, such as wood, bone, or horn. These Celtic medieval swords usually had an iron plate in front of the guard that was shaped to match the scabbard mouth. The second type is a "short" sword with either an abstract or a true anthropomorphic hilt of copper alloy. The Cetic Anthropomorphic sword, is of the second type. The battle ready sword, hollow ground blade is embellished by the solid brass hilt. The Celts were a nomadic, tribal people who populated Europe and the British Isles from at least the Iron Age well into the Roman era. From this diverse group the Scottish, Irish and Welsh cultures developed – and they also heavily influenced the peoples of Britain and Northern Europe. Their artwork was distinctive, and many examples of it survive to this very day – especially the “standing stones” scattered throughout Scotland and Ireland, rocks carved with knotwork and designs. The unique Celtic style extended to their weapons, and the Celtic Anthropomorphic medieval medieval Sword is an example of such. The hilt is made of solid brass. The POB on the celtic sword is flush right at the guard. The Celtic battle ready battle ready sword is forged from 1060 High Carbon steel. The blade is polished and tempered to a Rockwell hardness of 53. The Celtic Anthropomorphic medieval Sword is based on surviving Celtic weapons in museums and private collections. Evolving from the Roman spatha, this style of battle ready sword combined a long, double-edged blade with a cast brass grip. The guard and pommel form the shape of a man, hence the name “Anthropomorphic.” The Pommel is the head and arms, while the guard is the legs, and the blade… well, what the blade represents should be more than obvious. This common Celtic design is here artfully reproduced by the bladesmiths. Details: Overall length: approx. 53.3 cm Blade length: approx. 39.4 cm Blade width at base: approx. 4.3 cm Blade Material: 1060 High Carbon Steel Weight: approx. 936 g POB: at the guard Please note: The sword only has the scabbard, the belt is not included but can be ordered with an additional cost. Please contact us for the belt by email.

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Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

The Norman
The Normans (also called Northmen or Norsemen) were the decendants of the Scandinavian Vikings who raided the European coastal settlements at the outset of the 8th century. Despite the Norman's conversion to Christianity and their adoption of Frankish way of life, the Normans retained many of the traits of their Germanic ancestors. This weapon is historically bound to the Normans because of its frequent appearance in the Bayeux Tapestry: an embroidery that depicts the Norman Conquest. The Norman, classified as type XI by Oakeshott's typology, is fitted with a wheel pommel and straight guard. The diamond shape blade is extremely well balanced, making this one of the lightest and most maneuverable Medieval swords for cut and thrust swordplay. This sword comes with a matching scabbard. This sword comes with a scabbard. Specifications Total length: 88.9 cm Blade length: 71.12 cm Blade width at base: 5.08 cm Weight: 1.07 kg Steel 5160 Point of balance : 12,7cm Dual Tempered HRc 60, 48-50 at the core Please note: The sword can be ordered with various options (see second article picture): 1. Sword with standard scabbard without belt 2. Sword with standard scabbard and belt 3. Sword with deluxe scabbard with embossed belt and bronze buckles

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The Viscount
The Viscount is a Hand-and-a-half battle ready sword that is conceptualized from various medieval swords of the 14th and 15th century. With its long broad, sharply tapered blade and octagonal equally tapered pommel, both of historical sources, the Viscount battle ready Sword is fitted with an inspirational guard. That being said, we took some creative liberty with the Viscount Medieval sword to produce a beautifully balanced battle ready sword which offers exceptional handling capabilities being wielded with one or two hands.. The Viscount sword is forged with a type XX blade. The character of these blades are broad and gracefully tapering to a sharp point. The Viscount Medieval Sword could have easily fit in the wars of the 15th C. The Viscount is a title. A member of European nobility, who ranks a baron but below an Earl. The Viscount was basically a deputy, a trusted appointee. King Henry VI appointed John Beaumont as the first Viscount of England’s history in 1440 AD. Details: 5160 High Carbon Steel, HRc 60 Guard and pommel: mild steel Total length: 121,92 cm Blade length: 96,52 cm Blade width at base: 6.35 cm Weight: 1.5 kg Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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Item is normally available in about 4-6 weeks.

Edward The IIIrd Leg Armor
14th Century. These 3/4 length leg armor are designed after those of King Edward the Third of England. The Leg medieval armor is made of 14 g. steel and ready to wear with straps and historical buckles. Edward III lived from 1312 to 1377. He enjoyed an unusually long reign of fifty years, accomplishing much. The king was an aggressive military campaigner, taking over his father and grandfather’s conquest of Scotland as well as starting the Hundred Years War with France. England was ravaged by the plague twice within his reign and the king was able to restore society relatively quickly after both epidemics. Edward III was crowned when he was only fourteen years old, when his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer deposed his father. The two of them served as Edward’s regents, during which time Roger Mortimer subjected him to constant disrespect. As a result, when he was only seventeen years old Edward III led a coup to restore his rightful rule. Mortimer was executed within a month of the coup despite the pleas of his mother. The later years of his rule were marked with civil unrest and strife due to the king’s failing health. Despite that, King Edward III is still considered one of the most successful kings in English history and has been compared to King Arthur himself.

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The Oslo Viking Sword
Viking art, in all its sophistication, presents a striking contrast with the stereotype of the rude and restless barbarian. Viking craftsmen excelled in woodworking, metalworking and weapons making with abstracted animal forms. Many Viking weapons and ships bore elaborate patterns of interlocking anthropomorphic figures. Runic texts and complementary scenes were frequently inscribed on stone. The Viking love of riddling phrases and schemes of rhyme yielded a rich poetic tradition and tales of mythic events. The Vikings are among the most celebrated warriors of human history. Not least due to their own stories and Sagas of epic battles and heroic deeds. For centuries, the Vikings raided and colonized wide areas of Europe. They reached North America centuries before Columbus and traded as far as modern day India. These Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish warriors were prompted to undertake their raids by a combination of socio-political factors and overpopulation. At the center of this fierce nomadic culture, stood the Viking sword. No object was praised more among the Vikings than the sword. A rugged broad blade of medium length (avg. 31″) with a wide fuller fading at the tip. While crafting the solid bronze guard and pommel, the essence of the Viking heritage was carefully honoured. Skilfully crafted from 5160 High Carbon steel. The Oslo Viking Sword is an inspiring Medieval weapon. Authoritative, vibrant and rugged, the Oslo Viking sword is well balanced and a fierce Viking weapon of choice. Inspired by the remains of a 10th C. Viking hilt with elaborated serpentine motifs, the sword remains faithful to its historical counterparts. With the sword at the core of Viking history, we engineered the Oslo Viking sword for the most brutal use. Vivid and resilient, the Viking sword is built to last ! Details: 5160 High Carbon Steel Differentially Hardened to a Rockwell of 60 At the Edge Tempered to a Rockwell of 50 at the Core Total length: 94 cm Blade length: 79 cm Blade width at base: 5 cm Weight: 1.10 kg Please note: The sword can be ordered with various options (see second article picture): 1. Sword with standard scabbard without belt 2. Sword with standard scabbard and belt 3. Sword with deluxe scabbard with embossed belt and bronze buckles

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Mother of Dragons Sword
Swords forged at Darksword Armory have a variety of sources of inspiration. While the majority of our swords are based on historical models (and whenever possible, models that we have personally examined), others come from books, from myth, and from television or film. These fantasy swords are sometimes more directly based on a popular design (such as our Excalibur sword, inspired by the 1981 film); at other times, our designers are inspired to come up with an original design based on a fantasy weapon or character. This is how the Mother of Dragons was born.In George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire (immortalized on television in the HBO series Game of Thrones), the character of Daenerys is at the center of the story. Descended from the Targaryens, a family who long ago controlled dragons in order to unite the Seven Kingdoms, Daenerys begins her journey in the books as an exiled princess being given in marriage to a barbarian warlord. Dragons have long been gone from the world, but Daenerys comes into possession of three dragon eggs – and unexpectedly is able to hatch them. With the power of her draconic “children,” she becomes a major player in a series of epic wars and changes the course of history. Arguably, she is the single most important character in the series.The overall design of the Mother of Dragons was based on a very unique historical piece. The Wallace Collection, a museum of art, arms, and armor in London, England, contains numerous surviving swords from different periods in European history. The sword in question (pictured below) is unlike any other in the collection, or in any other collection in London. When Darksword Armory founder Eyal Azard saw it he immediately chose it as the physical inspiration for the sword of Daenerys. Subtle changes were made to the design to bring it more closely in line with the vision Eyal had for the Mother of Dragons sword.The Darksword Armory Mother of Dragons sword is inspired by this character. While in the series Queen Daenerys rarely wields a weapon herself, this sword is designed after what she might have wielded as the mother of the only dragons in existence. The blade is short and broad at the base, and its hollow-ground length tapers to a sharp point. This blade construction combined with the larger pommel brings the point of balance right to the guard, creating a sword that is shockingly lively in the hand and suitable for an individual who may be smaller and more suited to speed over strength. The cast bronze guard depicts a curling dragon that protects the hand, and the matching pommel has a high-born, aristocratic feel. The handle of textured ebony wood completes the look of a sword worthy of a queen, even a queen who relies not on the strength of her arm but on the might of her spirit. We hope it will appeal to others who embody her fierce and powerful spirit. Specifications Hand forged from 5160 High Carbon Steel Differential Hardened at a Rockwell of 60 at the Edge; 48-50 at the core. Fittings: Solid Bronze Handle: Textured Ebony Grip Total length: 26.5″ Blade length: 20″ Blade width at base: 2.1″ Weight: 2 lbs 9 oz. POB: at crossguard Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.

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WMA Practice Sword
Darksword Armory’s Re-enactment & Stage weapons are specifically made for Western Martial Arts (WMA) practitioners and theatrical groups. The swords are made, following the requirements and guidelines of the “Battle of the Nations”, with sturdy 2mm edge and slightly rounded tips for safety. Responsive, safe and sturdy, Darksword Armory has produced these complex and functional designs, able to withstanding the most abusive treatment. All of Darksword Armorys Re-enactment weapons are fully guaranteed for a period of one year against manufacturing defect. Details: Overall Length: approx. 94 cm Blade Length: approx. 78.7 cm Blade Thickness: approx. 0.2 cm Blade Material: 5160 Carbon steel Weight: approx. 1106.5 g

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The Vindaaris
Since the founding of Darksword Armory, the swords in our catalog have had multiple inspirations. Our swords are based on examples from literature, myth, art, and film – including our popular Lord of the Rings swords. Many more of our swords are based on surviving historical artifacts; Darksword founder Eyal Azerad has traveled to museums all over the world in order to examine swords from different eras in history, and these were replicated in our forge to exacting specifications. Many of our most popular designs, though, have been our fantasy designs, and for over a decade these unique, coveted pieces have been based on the vision our designer, Terry. Terry and Eyal have worked closely over the last 10 years to create some of the most remarkable fantasy swords on the market. Since 2008 Terry has sketched original and fantasy-inspired swords and knives which we have endeavored to capture in steel, and these designs have been some of Darksword Armory’s most sought-after. The Vindaaris is the latest of Terry’s designs, and it is truly a wonder to behold. The inspiration for the Vindaaris was twofold. First, it was inspired by the Norse myths of the light elves that allied themselves with the gods. Hailing from the ancient world of Alfheim, these elves and their weapons would be instrumental in the final battle against evil. The designer’s description references this: In the last days of the age of Gods, the All-Father Odin, summoned his allies to his throne. Among those were the glorious and enigmatic light elves from Alfheim, they and their god ruler Fryer swore their arms to the All-Father for the final battle for Midgard. These swords are among those laid at Odin’s throne, forged for the end times of Ragnarok. The inscription in Nordic runes reads, “Honor, Loyalty, Disgrace, Vengeance” – common themes from Vikings of legend and myth. The other source is, as many of our swords, is the work of J.R.R Tolkien. The elves of light in Tolkien’ work made many mighty swords, and this fantasy blade more greatly resembles a sword you would see on the hip of an elf-lord than a Viking. The Tolkien “heritage” of the design is honored in an alternative inscription made in the “Tengwar” language Tolkien invented for his elves of Middle-Earth on a limited edition version of the Vindaaris. On just 50 of the Vindaaris swords that were made the elven inscription on the blade is from the Volsung saga, an epic tale of Viking lore, and reads: “Better to fight and fall than live without hope.” Thus, from both sources of inspiration, this would be considered an “elven” blade. The sword itself is a powerful two handed weapon. The unique blade is made from 5160 steel, flowing effortlessly to the flared section unlike anything else in our catalog. The curved guard is expertly sculpted, showing cunning lines and elegant script. The leather-wrapped handle hides a robust tang, and the graceful pommel reflects the weapon’s elven heritage. Make no mistake, as beautiful as this sword is it is still, in fact, a very real weapon. We at Darksword Armory our proud of our collaboration with Terry Maranda, and invite you to own a piece of his legacy. Details: LENGTH 50″ HANDLE LENGTH 10″ BLADE LENGTH 36″ BLADE WIDTH 1.6-3″ CROSSGUARD LENGTH 10″ GUARD DEPTH 1/4″-1/2″ HANDLE CIRCUMFERENCE 3 1/2″ WEIGHT 4 lbs 12 oz P.O.B At Ricasso

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The Knochenbrecher (Messer)
Weapons of war often evolved from tools used for hunting, farming, or day-to-day survival in a hostile world, and nowhere is that more clear than in the German “Messer” (meaning “knife”) style of swords. Messer swords began as simple, single-edged weapons, merely scaled up versions of the knives from which they descended. Over time, they became distinctive, deadly, and beautiful weapons associated with the Germanic peoples. Darksword Armory’s Knochenbrecher (German for “Bone Breaker”) is based on the Kriegsmesser, meaning “war knife,” the large and imposing weapon of the 15th-century. Large, brutal, and totally battle-ready, the Darksword Armory Knochenbrecher is a powerful cutter – balanced for delivering sweeping, heavy strikes as its historical counterpart would have been.More information on the Knochenbrecher Sword and the history of the world in which it originated can be found below. Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel. Dual Tempered HRc 6048-50 at the core Fittings : Mild Steel Total Length: 45.5″ Blade Length : 34″ Grip Length: 11″ Weight: 3 lbs 8 oz. Please note: The sword will be delivered only with the scabbard, the "matching belt" is not included but can be ordered for an extra charge.
